Food Intolerance Test

Food Sensitivities And Allergy Testing
Identify and Manage Food Sensitivities, Intolerances & Allergies

Food Intolerance Test in dubai

Do you have inflammation, IBS, headaches, bloating, fatigue, Discomfort, or gas, and diarrhea?. Stop feeling nauseous. Inflammation is reduced, IBS, headaches, bloating, or fatigue? These are frequently symptoms of a food sensitivity or intolerance that affects your daily life. Discomfort, bloating, gas, and diarrhea are all reduced. Stop feeling nauseous. Inflammation is reduced.Our most comprehensive kit, the Premium Food Sensitivity Test, evaluates IgG reactivity to over 200 food and drink components. With our help, you can improve your lifestyle by learning which foods you react to.

What is Food Intolerance Test?

This Simple blood test detects the body's response to over 400 stimuli, including foods, food additives and colorings, medicinal herbs, molds, and environmental toxins, at the cellular level. After the fast test, you'll get a detailed report that's easy to understand and crucial to your health.

With data linking inflammation and chronic immune system activation, both of which are produced by food sensitivities, to some of the world's most serious and debilitating diseases, it's more vital than ever to understand which foods help and which foods hurt your body.

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Identify and Manage

People frequently come to us with complaints of bloating, cramps, persistent fatigue, migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic discomfort, and other issues. Many patients tell us that they feel poorly all of the time. The link between food sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances and autoimmune illnesses, migraines, and other chronic health problems isn't always evident.

Food Allergies is the immune system's response to "harmless" food. The reaction is immediate and sometimes fatal. Rashes, swelling, breathing issues, and light-headedness are all allergy symptoms. If you're having trouble breathing, see a doctor right away.It is vital to learn how to read food labels in order to stay safe. It's critical to read food and cosmetic labels every time you buy something since food firms might change product components at any time.

Food Sensitivities are the inability of the body to process or digest a particular food. Lactose intolerance is probably the most common food sensitivity. Lactase production in the intestines decreases as we age, resulting in lactose accumulation in the digestive tract. Caffeine, gluten, and salicylates are all frequent intolerances. Many people can relate to bloating, gassiness, diarrhea, and other food intolerance symptoms.

Celiac Disease is a type of gluten not an intolerance, allergy, or sensitivity It's an autoimmune condition. Gluten causes a complex inflammatory reaction in the body's digestive system, which can make patients quite unwell. Although eating gluten once may not trigger this reaction, patients with Celiac disease may face weight loss, malnutrition, and other more serious digestive issues over time. Despite the fact that many people are gluten intolerant, only 1% of the population has Celiac disease.

Food Sensitivities can be difficult. From joint pain to weariness, rashes to "foggy brain," the body might suffer a variety of unpleasant symptoms that you can't seem to pinpoint. Complicate the timeframe. Sensitivities, unlike allergic reactions, can take anywhere from 24 to 72 hours to manifest after consuming certain foods. Food sensitivities are also affected by the amount of food ingested. Food sensitivity testing is essential for determining which foods and chemicals are causing you discomfort.

If you have any of the above symptoms, working with our Certified Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to identify food allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities, as well as pin-point trigger foods, can make a big impact in your health. We'll make sure you get the nutrients you need while avoiding trigger foods, and we'll create a comprehensive, tailored nutrition plan to help you live a better, more lively life.

difference between food allergies & food sensitivities?

Many people feel they have food allergies if they experience any unfavorable reaction to eating. There is a distinction between food allergies and food sensitivities in reality.When you have a real food allergy, your immune system goes into overdrive. In other words, your body misidentifies food as a potentially toxic chemical and fights to limit the possibility of widespread harm, even if the triggering food isn't harmful by nature.

Symptoms of food sensitivities include:

• Bloating
• Nausea
• Gas
• Diarrhea
• Constipation

How Much Does Food Intolerance Test Cost?

Food Intolerance Test can cost anywhere from AED 2,200


Asked By Others

How do I figure out which foods I'm allergic to?


Visit us at LA Integrative Gastroenterology & Nutrition and let us test you to find out exactly which foods you are sensitive to.

If I only eat organic, are I safe from food sensitivities?


Because many of the chemicals that cause food sensitivities can be found in both natural and processed foods, eating organic does not ensure that you will not have a negative reaction to particular meals.

If I'm allergic to certain foods, will I have to give them up?


That depends on the severity of your symptoms and their impact on your quality of life. It is ultimately your decision to give up specific meals. However, it is advisable to make that selection knowing exactly which foods you can handle and which you cannot.

Is it possible to test for food sensitivities at home?


Seeing a professional is the best method to find out for sure what you're sensitive to. You might, however, try an elimination diet at home in the meanwhile. Simply eliminate the meals that you believe are causing you problems and wait a few weeks to see whether your symptoms improve. If you reintroduce the meals and the symptoms return, you know you don't tolerate that particular item well.

Many foods have tested positive for me (more than 20) So, what should I do?


Increased intestinal permeability, sometimes known as "leaky gut," might be indicated by a large number of affirmative foods. This occurs when the gut wall lining is destroyed, allowing undigested food proteins to flow into the circulation, triggering an inflammatory reaction and perhaps leading to food intolerances.
Because it is difficult to eliminate a large number of foods from your diet in this circumstance, we recommend doing so in phases.

1. Start by eliminating the top five foods that trigger the strongest immunological reaction.
2. Reduce the frequency with which you consume the other beneficial meals at the same time. If you've tested positive for fruits like orange, pomegranate, or fig, for example, consume them once a week while adding other fruits to your diet.
3. While eliminating trigger foods, it's equally critical to take efforts to restore normal intestinal permeability. You might ask for a food plan that may help you improve your "leaky gut."

What's the difference between food intolerance and allergy?


What's the difference between food intolerance and allergy?Food allergy is a type I immunological reaction to the ingestion of a specific food to which a person has previously been sensitized. It involves IgE antibodies, which induce the release of histamine and other inflammatory mediators after ingestion of the food allergen. It can be a very severe, life-threatening reaction that occurs minutes after consuming the meal.
The following are the most common food allergy indications and symptoms: In the mouth, tingling or itching. Eczema, hives, or itching Lips, cheeks, tongue, and throat swelling, as well as other body parts.
Food allergies involving IgE afflict a small percentage of the population, although the number of those affected is growing. If you feel you have a food allergy, you should seek medical help right away to have it correctly diagnosed.

There are two types of food intolerances:

• Deficiency in enzymesThis does not involve the immune system, and occurs when there is insufficient production of an enzyme needed to metabolize nutrients, causing symptoms to emerge after eating particular meals. Lactose intolerance, for example, occurs when a person's lactase enzyme is insufficient to break down and digest lactose, a dairy sugar. After consuming dairy products, this can cause bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, and flatulence. Lactose intolerance can be diagnosed using a hydrogen breath test. Another example is histamine intolerance, which happens when a person does not create enough DAO enzyme to metabolize histamine from food, resulting in itching, flushing, headaches, or urticaria.

• Food protein intolerance that is immune-mediated. This is a delayed onset Type III immunological response to the ingestion of particular proteins contained in foods that pass through the intestinal wall barrier and into the circulation. Food-specific IgG antibodies are produced by the immune system, which form immune complexes that can build up and deposit in tissues and joints. This causes the immune system to launch an inflammatory response in an attempt to break down these immune complexes, which can exacerbate existing inflammatory disease and is linked to a variety of chronic conditions such as migraine, IBS, IBD, and obesity. IgG food intolerance is not life-threatening, and studies show that identifying and avoiding trigger foods improves symptoms within three months.

Will being on a restricted diet effect my test results?


If you have been avoiding certain foods for a long time, such as gluten, it is conceivable that you will experience a negative reaction to them. IgG antibodies stay in the bloodstream for about 21 days, so if you're thinking about doing the test, we recommend sticking to your regular diet to avoid getting false negative findings.

However, if you have a confirmed food allergy or suspect you are allergic to a certain food and have been avoiding it, you SHOULD NOT reintroduce any food that may cause an allergic reaction into your diet.

Is the test appropriate for children and infants?


We don't advocate testing youngsters under the age of two because their immune systems take about a year to fully develop. We consider testing the mother under this age because IgG antibodies penetrate the placenta and are seen in breast milk, which could explain why children have increased IgG antibodies to foods they have yet to eat.

Is it true that if I'm allergic to cow's milk, I have to consume lactose-free milk?


Lactose is not present in lactose-free milk. This is a dairy sugar that can create digestive problems if a person is lactose intolerant and lacks the enzymes needed to break down lactose in the digestive tract.

Most bovine milk contains a form of casein, one of the essential dairy proteins, and the Foodprint® test analyzes the immune response to dietary proteins. If you are allergic to cows or other animal milk, even lactose-free milk contains casein and other dairy proteins, so lactose-free milk is not recommended.

Camel milk has been reported to be better tolerated than other animal milks, possibly due to the slightly different casein molecule in camel milk, which may explain why it appears to be more easily tolerated.


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